Training Workshops

At Women's Health Victoria, we are dedicated to transformative change necessary to build a more gender-equal society. Central to our mission is the unwavering commitment to increasing individual and workforce capabilities. We firmly believe that empowering individuals and organisations with the knowledge and tools needed to advance gender equality is essential for lasting progress.

At Women's Health Victoria, we offer comprehensive in person and online training workshops, which encompass the prevention of violence against women and the promotion of gender equality. Beyond public training sessions, we offer training for workplaces, were you can find more information about here.

To enquire about any of our training, fill out the the form at the bottom of the page.

Active Bystander

4 hour workshop 

This workshop will help you address everyday sexism and attitudes that contribute to gender-based violence.  

An active bystander can be a friend, family member, colleague, or stranger. Being an active bystander sends a message that violence against women is everyone’s business and that everyone has a positive role to play in eliminating it. Additionally, you will explore the causes, prevalence, and impact of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other forms of violence against women. 

Responding to Disclosures: A Safe and Supported Workplace

3.5 hour workshop

This workshop is designed to support you to respond to an initial disclosure of family violence or sexual harassment in a safe and supportive way within the workplace. 

You will build your capability to support co-workers who are experiencing family violence and or sexual harassment. This is especially important as disclosures of gendered violence are common after or during violence prevention training and/or workplace change programs. 

Storytelling for Change

6.5 hour workshop

This Intensive workshop aims to build your confidence and skills in crafting and sharing stories that communicate the drivers of violence against women. 

It will take you through story crafting techniques and principles, and the key considerations required when tailoring prevention of gender based violence stories to various audiences to enable ethical storytelling. You will engage with other experienced practitioners to workshop key messages and craft stories through individual and group activities.  

Monitoring and Evaluation

7 hour workshop

This workshop explores the key theoretical approaches and practice frameworks that guide primary prevention evaluation, supporting you to reflect on your own practice and experience. It will help build your skills and confidence to undertake effective monitoring and evaluation as part of primary prevention of gender-based violence and family violence initiatives. Throughout this workshop you will be supported to unpack some of the key challenges to putting evaluation and monitoring into practice and will work with other experienced practitioners to explore opportunities to overcome these challenges. 

Gender Transformative Practice

7 hour workshop 

This Intensive Workshop is delivered across one full day and aims to build your confidence and skills to undertake effective gender transformative practice as part of your primary prevention and gender equality work. 

This workshop explores the key theoretical principles underpinning gender transformative work, asking you to reflect on your own practice and experience. 

Gender Equality in the Workplace

4 hour workshop 

This course is designed to build your understanding of the key concepts around gender inequality and its impact in the workplace. This Course explores gender inequality, unconscious bias, barriers and resistance as well as tools and strategies to promote gender equality in the workplace. 

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