Men as Allies

Associated Courses


This eLearn course is your first step in understanding your role as an ally in promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence and disrespect.

This short course is FREE please add to cart to enrol.

In this course you’ll explore your motivations, face challenges, and embrace your responsibilities to help create a fair and respectful society.

Completing this module will help you to:

  • Explore allyship
  • Start your ally journey
  • Plan your ongoing learning

Course aims

Whether at home, work, or in your community, this course will help you to better promote gender equality and prevent disrespectful and violent behaviour against women and girls.

Course Structure

This course includes three learning modules, is self-paced, interactive, provides opportunity for refection and resources for further reading.

Time and Assessment

The course will take approximately 2 hours to complete and does not include an assessment.

On completion of this course a Certificate of Completion will be issued.

Why do this course?

Do you care about fairness and equality and want to take responsibility of your role in the conversation and make a difference? Then this course is for you.

Target audience

The course is valuable for anyone who:

  • Is committed to respect and equality
  • Has experienced situations that didn’t feel right
  • Wants to improve their workplace or social circles for women
  • Is curious about what it means to be an ally
  • Aims to be a better partner, father, mate, colleague, or friend
  • Needs to know about gender equality as part of their job
  • Aspires to be a better leader and role model
  • Feels their organisation needs them to step up on gender issues.

Pre-requisite knowledge?

No, just an open mind.

Introductory knowledge Gender Equality and the prevention of gender based violence can be developed through completion our free online courses Introduction to Gender Equality and Introduction to the Prevention of Gender-based Violence.

The development of this training has been led by Jason Rostant, Women’s Health Victoria Training Consultant, in collaboration with:

  • Glenn Davies and Danny Blay (Women’s Health Victoria Training Consultants)
  • Luke Baker (Women’s Health Grampians)  
  • Andy Wright (Never Not Creative)
  • Linette Harriott, Lauren Zappa and the Training and Capacity Building team at Women’s Health Victoria


